Creamer 5 oz / 4.75"
Coffee/Tea Pot with Lid 11 oz / 7.25"
Coffee/Tea Pot with Lid 21 oz / 8.5"
Sauce/Gravy Boat 15.5 oz / 7.5"
Plate Narrow Rim / 9"
Mug Embossed 8 oz / 4.25"
Cocotte Dish - Mahogany/Eggshell 9 oz
Soup Mug - Caramel/Eggshell 12 oz / 5.63"
Welsh Rarebit - Caramel/Eggshell 8 oz / 8.13"
Welsh Rarebit - Caramel/Eggshell 12 oz / 9.88"
Welsh Rarebit - Caramel/Eggshell 17 oz / 10.63"
Round Au Gratin - Caramel/Eggshell 2 oz / 8.13"